Saturday, April 2, 2011

air bumi vs tanah lembap

sem ni amek air bumi actually. tp since test 1 dah kosong mcm tragedi hydrologi memandgkan lectrer org yg same, so tetibe rase cam akan gagal je subjek ni. adui, slalu je terpikir gitu lately. tak tau knp. risau, risau, risauuuu~ *ewah, risau pun blh nyanyi*
harap tak berlaku la gitu.
jadual hidup pun da berubah.
malam kul8 tido sampai kul 10.30.
then, bjaga, 7pg - 11pg/12tghari tdo.
tak tau knp.
otak rase fresh bile memalam.
mgkin sbb lately, lepas meal je, mesti pening, pusing2 kepala then shaking.
i've search for the symptom and it is high level of adrenalin in blood due to problems in renal, bladder or svral other possible things.hope everything is fine. esok mahu settle hal insurans ngn UMT. hurm, tgk paper byk lak yg menemui ajal cz kne lektrik. takot plak. harap dilindungiNya selalu. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

pok cik google,mak cik tenet sume sgt bagus!

ok, aku dah puas google psl MLM. hukum die, la, cara la, ape la, auta die la. sume ade.
siap ayat plg handal aku taip tanpa rase bersalah "scoreA tipu".
ha, kan straight to the point tuh.
aku part meng-google mmg la terus terang.
tu belum part stalk org.
dgn kepakaran stalk ni, aku google mcm2 la.
kalau tak, takkan aku berjaya jumpe blog budak pompuan yg penah Li kat tmpt aku akn Li. hebat betul teknologi.
ok, dah puji sekian byk, now im wondering,
kenape la founder google ke, yahoo ke, bukan islam.
If not, byk giler pahala wooooo.....!
aku mmg bersyukur giler babeng ade nye teknologi ujung jari telunjuk ni.
sbbnye, sume menda boleh tau.dulu zaman mak pak aku terjebak MLM,
mane ade nak google2 nih. main taram je. harus rugi berpuluh ribu.
so, korang2 sume, what ever u do,
ingt kite ade uncle n autie yg baik hati ni. cari mereka. taip je ape2.
tak payah ayat cam buku novel mahupun buku kesusahteraan melayu.
insyaAllah, dpt segala jwpn.
live life to the fullest, bukan foolest.
k, daa~ take care ♥

banyak menda = serabut kepala

asal serabut ke, tension ke, sure2 luah kat sini. lame dah tak lluah perasaan tp tak bermakna my life is very the smooth sailing yek....
baru je lepas kena cuci kpala dr 1 organisasi MLM. ala, dah byk kali pun kene tp yg ni,yg ni td ni,hurmmmmm btl2 menarik. tertarik ngan produk,tp,tp dah rase nak join plak. patot ke tidak ni? die antara MLM yg ade sijil halal after HPA n sveral others.mmg perlu duit, tp nak usaha scara konsisten tu la......mak aih, payah bebenooor!
2 plggan dah jumpa! of course lah my 2 bros.hihi! jahat gila.wawa!
xpe, nak istiqarah tak leh sbb harap, btl la ape aku bt.lmbt2, kot la melepas.haih....
ok, yg pentg, mlm ni kene siapkan asimen dulu, no matter what okeh! dah lame tgendala OSHA nim.Law dah tak de clas tp tetibe ade asimen.haiyoh!
ok la, byk nak citer, jap dulu ye. nanti pape i post entry lain.papai!

Monday, January 31, 2011


ok, now i kept thinking on generating money on my own.
i no longer interested in my bussiness since, i.....i....i guess it doesn't really make sense with me coz my mother dunt really allows me to sit in front of lappy always,everyday, couples of times daily.
so this, will worsen my relationship with my mother.
i've told her, about nuffnang, n she really supports me with that.
anyhow, when i told her i have to sit in front of my lappy everyday to update blog, tell stories in blog and all those blogging thingy, she was so dissapointed.
i know, she doesn't like me when i waste my time which i supposed to spend with her but i use to do something else.
but on top of all, i need money.
i need source for me to generate side income.
after all i hav to pay my life/medical insurance as i need it during my LI.
im so confused.
yes, i know, i can use my savings, but, saving is still saving coz if kept 'digging' it, at last, it will end up 0.
ppl, help me. oh, confused.
making money while relaxing. please, not MLM.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

rindu ke?

weeewit! weeeeeeewit!
ok la, lame tak tulis belog, tbe2 mood getik pulak muncul. padahal td baru je btau buya takde mood. ape punye pompuan ni! ok, dtg bulan rupanya, ceit!

buya cakap die rindu saya.
ok, nampak normal.
tp TAK.
sbb die jarang cakap rindu-gila-betik (ok, terpengaruh ngn amazing nara part jejai say bubbye kat fasha) kat ai! auwww~ biase i la yg over.

but, nvm. i knew my self well! (konon la)
so tak kisah la i mmg over. *buya leh tgk video pengakuan i*

ok la. tak de crite sbnrnye.
kije manyak.
ptg ni nak g celeb8 bday dilla a.k.a tunang musa (sj je aku nak btau die dah tunang,hoh!)

nanti la org citer2 lg,k.

Monday, January 3, 2011

new sem lagi

saya pelajar tahun 3, sem 6. ok bagus2. sbb dah 6 sem, cgpa terus merudum.
esok bermula lah sem baru. so, spt biase, tepon bergetar2 je di waktu ptg sbb ramai tny,
"amek subjek ape sem ni?"
ahh.... malas nye nak jawab sbb hati terlalu gusar.
tak tau lah kenape rase tak sedap hati memanjang.
barangkali izrail selalu menghampiriku.....

sem ni keputusan plg terus dlm byk2 sem sekaligus menjahanamkan cgpa aku.
mama suruh kawen terus so that tak payah pikir nak bcinta n concentrate bljr.
boleh ke mcm tu?
tak tau plak sbg remedy terbaru abad ini bagi gadis2 yg kemaruk bcinta lalu dpt result teruk.

tp, on top of all that,
lecturer yg mmg dah banned muke i, katakan-tidak-pada-diyana akan ajar sy this sem.
yes, THIS sem.
tdd terjah blog die kat SINI
dan dpti die preggy! oh my. dulu pun, ms die moody2, die preggy gak.
ok, tak baik pikir ngatif.

salah sy jugak.
bermulut celupar d fb. anak2 ibu, rakan2 dan kaum muslimin+muslimah sume,
jgn la out spoken sgt kat fb.
yes, die bukan friend sy. tp friend kpd senior sy yg mcetuskan kontroversi.
sedap2 je sy cakap bukan2 siap maki2 n sumpah mereka yg terlibat supaya mati dengan kadar segera,
tiba2 muncul die mengomen.
dan plg hebat, komen die muncul betul2 bawah komen sy!
oh, tahniah!
sendiri dah cari nahas.

tu je lah nak bebel.
mood pun takde.