Wednesday, December 23, 2009

deary darl....

When i read hers,
she reminds me of my truest feeling that i hardly revealed to anyone....
when it comes to this particular part....
" i ENVY ppl who is successful! hate this feeling more then anything else. i blog-walking just now, and i saw lotsa ppl leads their own happy-success-life-as-there-NO-obstacles-at-all. ok, maybe they only post their happy thought in their blogs..hrum! but i'm still ENVY the way they sucess in life~ AHAHA. (busuknye hati ko, pqa!) ARGH! but hey, nevermnd, it's okey, maybe you can succeed in the path that u take now."

k, dear readers n my fellow piqa....

based on blog-walking habit that i started since in form 5 really taught me heaps!

its true many ppl share their sweet memories in life as if....
they never gone through hard time in life and they simply experience nice, comfortable thing which sometimes money can buy (not all people can afford to have that kind of experience or such)

but then,
i may conclude that in writing upon our beloved 'virtual diary' in public consist of only happy2 thingy is basically because of two main reason - you are thankful with your current life or, you always wanted to only remembering by heart your nice memories in facing your current path.

apart from these main reasons, they can lead you into 2 most commonly different ways in blogging ;

1. be so excited about your own life until there is a sprinkle of proud (berbaur riak) or,
2. be really2 thankful for every thing that ever did come into your way and you deeply appreciate them during the exact moment the post is posted or sooner when you go through what you've been writing all this while (usaha menimbulkan rasa syukur)

in public, can we easily tell thi
ngs which will later give us bad impact such as,
people will staring at you with a how-suck-her-life-is-and-she-is-suffering-with-the-facts-that-she-is-truly-problematic-girl look? you won't,ain't you?

That is why,
people are more pleased to share their sweet adorable stories even though they sometimes emotionally hurt the reader.
Also, i may say,
when our heart are not strong enough, it is better not to have a blog-walking as it may exist sorrow felling towards the life you are living now.
If you do so, you are actually 'requesting' burden and stress in your life so your tomorrow will be miserable and vulnerable.

in the nut shell,
you don't need to worry piqa (or anyone whom experiencing the same feeling as piqa did/does).
None is living without hard times (tests).
test were meant to be in human life to decrease our difficulties when we are at the hereafter.
believe that for as long as your are breathing,
it is the greatest charisma He had given to us.

p/s : as I'm writing, i actually teaching n reminding myself not to be easily manipulated by what around others life. Others' stories and quests remain others'.they won't change mine and vice versa. So this post is actually more to my experiences and thoughts.... Hoping i can lead my life better by reading this over and over again, for now, later, soon and always....

what more can i say...
i'm an ordinary human which easily drown in my own day dream.

if you have completely read this post,
ignore me at once because i'm currently using my sanity well
and this happen only once in a blue moon!

till then,


Syfqa H said...

thank you very much~~
at least u give me something. :)

dr.COOkies said...

hanya tebiat nak mampos menjadikan i mampu berhujah macam tu. huhuhh!

MonoSodiumGlutamate said...


MonoSodiumGlutamate said...
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dr.COOkies said...

most of the time,
i oweys lose my sanity.
only my hubby knows who am i usually be on this planet earth!haih~

MonoSodiumGlutamate said...

neah,for me u know urself better than other people..

dr.COOkies said...

no,no. my hubby knows me more than i knew myself.eheks! <3

MonoSodiumGlutamate said...

lol,i dun think so~~

dr.COOkies said...

eh! i think very so!
i know my hubby k.
he is very caring ;P

MonoSodiumGlutamate said...

ahah,so caring?
how come he so caring when he always pressure u...

dr.COOkies said...

he always pampered me....