what a day....
starts with Hydrology Test at 8.
really difficult! +_+
have Meteorology assignment meeting at Entech Lab
*here where i post this post... ngeeeehahahaha!
(ape ayat atas nih cam putar alam jek x_x )
takde ape pom na tulis....
kepala duk pikir biler na dapat bumper bawu.
sakit plak ati nenok bumper yang senget sebelah.
langgar bonggol pom pelan2 jek, tatot gugur bumper ;P
ada 9 bijik bonngol i kena tempuhi b4 sampai campus!
so, ari nih bertolak lebih awal, 7.40 suda kuar dari umah.
k, la.
member sebelah bising, lapow tak habis2.
aku tgk slim jek.
owg yg ta lalu mam ni plak makin temok.
tssk....tsssk... sadis la idup i.... ;(

wah,tiba2 kuar post baru plak!!!
boh selotep kat bonggol tu,baru slamat.. =P
i cannot wait to c d final poster,maybe got hand wit fire and below earth,mwahahahaha...
makan je,da tau x mkn pun jadi tembam gak,alang2 bek telan je,gehehehe...
2,3 ari ni tebiat asyik mengepos aje...lg2 biler ade sowang nih yg jd pembace stia....bukan ape, i namo kaciwakan my deary reader nim ;-*
hurm....i ingt kene bli cable tight,takpon,mintak satu kat mydin,miahahaha!
ow...d final poster.... kalo btl tgn takpe...jgn tibe2 tumit,suda...
oit!ape nim....doa la saye kuwus wlupom mam mnyop2.... *_*
ehehe,doaku sentiasa bersamamu... =)
wohoho,doa je xleh woo,kene ade ikhtiar la... ^^
dalam mkne nim.....hurm~
ikhtiar sekarang sume pakai kos la~
ye ke?jogging pakai kos gak ke...
tu,pakai kos air liur n dah tentu2 tak de hasil.
arghhh, my life is a prison!
sry,4get ur condition...
uhuhuhu,nvm,buy treadmill lah... :D
takpe, kije kuat2 nanti kuwus la~ ;P
oho,takot kije kuat = makan kuat... xD
jahatnyew buyaaaaaaaaaa~
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