what a long day i had that day....
my class was full and of course when i say it full,
it means, reallllly full!
8am - 6pm.
luckily, some were cancelled and it ended at 5pm.
i quickly perform my Asar and pick up some of photostatted document at Aiman,
then, straight away headed to NR.
my besties were waiting for my with.....
(guess what?)
CUPPIES on the table at the restaurant!
i was like, "Oh, my! Is this a dream??!"
my heart beating excitedly~

it was my very 1st time having my own party without my notice.
i may say... Small-Superb-Suprise-Party la kot...
i aje yang celeb8 bday kwn2...
coz my bday usually fell on hlidays when i was in school.
but then,
later when i in univ, it fell on weekdays with many lectures as the 'instant present'! ;p
i was just 6 of us.
unluckily, i was fasting on that day (10 muharram lah katekan).haiz....
piqa (who did the baking) allow me to tapow the cuppies.hehh~
the Day.
my class was same as before.
oweyzzz pack. ;(
tapi AMAT happpppy!
pagi2 lagik,
bile sampai di kelas,
sume macam ta moa cakap ngn i.
iskh! pelik nim!
i was like....tak pe lah....huk3~
"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to diyana,
Happy Birthday to you...!"
di tengah2 fakulti sains & teknologi.....
di kawasan terbuka....
di kelilingi makmal yang penuh ngn kakitangan n seniors.....
never into this kinda situation!!

*bersama Bday kad paling beshoooooooooo penah i dapat. ^^,
ni sume kije gilo Hawa...(tak de la gilep sangat tapi i mayuuuu huhuhu...~~)
die siap bagi 1 kad tecit yang personally dari die.
wane biru jugek,huehehehe~
tapi, ini baru permulaan hari indah i....
bile menjelang lunch break....
i saw this PARTICULAR guy!
malu na citer.
memandangkan tade sape pom yang bace my blog nim...
i rela hati la na citer.
janji dulu,jgn cakap i jahat taw!
budak ni la yang belasah mase i in lower form dulu....
diringkaskan citer,
die mmg suke sakat i.
cz im petite compared to otha gurl.
lelaki ms tu mmg lah pendek lagik....
memandangkan die plg pendek (actually still maseh peendek the day i met him ;P sowie!~)
die dr kelas ntah hape name (i ta ingt) bole dtg nak kacau i!
how dare him!
ade la 1 ari tuh,
die baling lipas kat i!
i mmg amt sensitip la ngn serangga nih!
geli dowh!
i pom...naik HANTU la tetibe!
( ni takde kene-mengenangan PMS, swinging moods,menses n etc, okek!)
malangla die coz tetibe terlentang atas lantai...
i siap maki2 lagi die....
(biadap sungguh i nih)
tetibe i dapat tau die tukar skola.
gaduh tu pom berakhir coz my fwen pengawas mintak tlg i jgn gaduh.
die bimbg cikgu mawah...
pengetua kenal ngn my late father...
tamoa la menconteng arang di muka ibu bapa.
(anak2 harus amati perkara ini, yek!!)
i langsung ta penah jumpe die lg sampailah tibe hari ITU!
mula2 nampak... macam kenal.not so sure.
bile i tgk parut kat tangan die, ohhh! Compirm!
ketika itu, saya sedang makan kat warung depan asrama bersama Baya.
kami berdua aje.
i pom dgn pantas bisik kat Baya....
(ni la lebih kuwang dialog kami setelah i taouch-up n edit sket bg lbh menarik)
"Dyna wase...budak ni yang dyna belasah kat skola dulu."
"Huh! Pasti??"
"Dah tu?Macam mane??"
"Buat tak kenal...." ( i pun pulut nasik ayam tuh sedaya upaya bg cepat habis!)
Gilo cuak!
Rock la budak tuh skrg...
i dgr die cakap tepon,ajak kengkawan die makan kat situ sekali!
sangat malang bila ini terjadi....
oh no!
die panggil!
i was shaking.....
die perasan i from the start lagik....
kami cakap2 la macam tak de ape buruk penah belaku dulu....
i selalu berdoa,
nak jumpe sume owg yang i penah buat salah terhadap mereka.
coz i nak mintak maaf...
hidup ni sementara,
baru beberape hari i was 20.
now, in 2010, i am 21.
tak sangka doa i termakbul on my bday.
i amik keputusan,
the table on me.
tanda mintak maaf.
mula2 ingt na btaw,
i belanja cz my bday.
tapi takpe la.
i just walk off n give salam before baya n me out.
what a day....
the last part,
i had dinner with piqa n her two small sisters at nearby kopitiam.
mula2 ingt na mam petang.
tapi my class ended at 6pm.
ta sempat...
so jumpe la kami malam ituh.
sebagai penutup salah 1 dr hari2 yang indah dalam idup i...

ape pom...
saya sayang sangat3 kamoo............ n_n
kepada sume yang wish,
tq sangat3!
scr jujur,
sy susah na ingt bday org,
tp kalo ade ms n baru teringt i trus ajak g mam.
senang.na bg hadiah pom ta pandai pilih.
tq taw korang!! xoxo~
Semoga kamu sume mendapat balasan yang baik dr Nya!! ;D
wah,wut a nice day for u...
saye tumpang hepi je.. q^_^p
hope u juz not hepi on dat particular day,but always hepi for ur entire life.
ape pon dah 20 kan?da leh jadi mak org la,ngahahaha...
anyway,may 2010+++(forever) become ur kick start to becoming a better person.
p/s:setau i la,ur 28 diz 09 x abis kat situ kan,hmmm~~~
bcoz of this comment la i buat 1 post special untuk btaw the actualllll ending of my 20th bday.
about jd mak owg...
that's my hubby's job.
hahahahahahaha! opsss~
ahaha,lambatnye kuar ending tu,kasi saspen ke? (jeng3!)
tapi da kuar da pun kan
eh,apsal keje hubby u plak?
hubby = daddy,bukan mummy.. q?_?p
owh....hubby menjadikan isteri ituh mummy....
(biological condition,okek!)
ending tuh,saje namo share,takot la yg terlibat na jg saham...
tapi dah ditegur, i kuarkan aje ;P
lolx,jaga saham jaga saham jaga saham...
u think u broker saham ke...
sorry,tak minat bio... :D
saham la~~~
oooo....ta minat bio....
i thought u taught me bio,
dont u????
still tatau wut is saham thing..
i teach u bio???
when?where? ?_?
every time we meet is the lab session,lol!!
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