Saturday, January 30, 2010
very good
i informed some of my blogging fwens (yg kami tak penah jumpe pom)
about my desire to come out with
photography service...
and i receive a very good advice from them.
love them very mush!!!!
they ask me to make free service offer to
ppl that participate in graduation/konvo event this coming march.
n i already have my target.
everythg will be fine.
still searching for models under several category.
then, will come out with another particular blog.
hope march arrives very soon,
my final is on April, yuckss!!
scary, dowh!
k, only short update today.
wish me luck!
will apply all the comments soon.
c u later, xoxo!~
Friday, January 29, 2010
every1 that knew me
knows this very well.
so, my life is agak terkongkong, i may say.
i tetap bharap, i akan bebas.
one fine day.... i hope.
sooner or later, i will...
saya sgt2 mgharap,
sy mengahwini jejaka hati pilihan saya.
org yang saya cintai,
dan akan cinta sampai bila2.
dan org itu,
mcintai saya,
sepenuh hati slain mberikan yang terbaik untuk saya.
rasenye tak over,kan?
sume pon harap mcm tu.
saye suka amik gambar.
ape pom, nampak macam seni je.
keseluruhannya saya sangat suka SENI.
antara benda seni dlm idup sy yg penah sy buat,
main alat muzik,
kelas lukisan,
lakaran hiasan n perabot,
lakar pelan umah,
gubahan hantaran,
design pelamin,
amik gambo
and mcm2.
(masak pom ye jgk kot,ada owg kata itu seni ;P)
sebab itu juga,
wlupom sy tak taw bila na kawen,
sy tetap buat sedikit persediaan.
sy lakar pelamin impian saya.
(tolong jangan gelak! ini impian siyesh kerana
saya mahu ia sgt3 exclusive n ekonomi cz sy tak taw
sy berduet atau tak,kelak)
sy selalu buat rekaan hantaran....
(buat sendiri nanti lbh bermakna.
tp harap hantaran balas pom memuaskan
cz selalu time sy bt utk kwn mama cantik2
tapi hntrn pihak sblh sgt3 mdukacitakan! ;(
wlupom bukan sy yg dapat,sy tetap
plg suke,
sy himpunkan sume gmbar perkahwinan yg
sgt menarik utk dbuat contoh pd photographer sy nanti.
gambar la yg blh mjdkan kenangan dikongsi bsme owg ln.
(anak,cucu, n sape2!)
sy msih mnyesal cz dulu,
ms kesygn sy ada, kami kurg bgmbar.... ;'(
jd sy nak pastikan, pae pom event lepas ni,gmbo mst cantik~
agaknye kan,
kalo sy jd freelance photographer blh tak??
sy pom nak rakan detik2 manis owg lain juga.
cz detik manis sy yg dlu2 da byk dibiar blalu,
mcm tu aje...
sy harap,
saya dapat jnjikan pkhidmatan terbaik
dgn kos yg murah tp sgt3 berbaloi.
agak2 ade hrpn tak?? kalo nak mula mcm mane ye?
*wlupom sy taw tak ramai yg singgah bertandang ke teratak ungu sy ni,
sy gagahkan diri nak tulis juga pasal ni.... x_x

congratz for he result! pandainyew! *tepuk2!
(dengan nada bangga + envi sket. woooopsss! kene wajin macam piqa la~~)
btw, pasal piqa nih,
dulu ms skola, ta brape rapat la...
stil classmate, yet,
die geng lain.
saye hanya ngan cik Kueh aje...
coz Kueh is my classmate since standard 2!
early form 4, she went to SeSTer for a month, mase tu aje ta jd classmate ;P
Piqa mmg sgt rajin...
i alwys copy her Fizik Exercises!
till now, the exercise book still with me.
OooOpss! Sowie! x_x
i ni mmg dr dulu malas.
sampai sekarang!
sampai saat saya menulis belog ini, okek!
ta tau bila akan berakhir.
patot la tak maju2 idup saya ini.
da membebel dah.
tadi niat nak cakap wase terharu about
piqa's post.
ni da melalut.
ape pom,
tq piqa deary!
yang menampakkan ciri
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
love makes me hoping

i hope to be a mermaid,
so i can find the best coral for u in the deep ocean.
i hope to be the Beauty,
so i can crash spell for u and be with u,
for god or bad.
i hope to be your Cinderella,
so u can fall for me while we are dancing.
i hope to be your Snow White,
so u can save me from harmful tragedy.
i hope to be your Sleeping Beauty,
so u can wake me up and vanish my sorrow.
i hope to be your Jane,
so u can share all the things u were in before.
i hope to be your Tiana,
so u would gave up and spend your life with me.
i hope to be your Pocahontas,
so u will bring me out of my dusky world.
i hope to be your Megara,
so will be the Hercules that rescues me, always.
i hope to be your Rapunzel,
so you can climb high sacrificing your strength
just to meet me with my longest hair ever.
i hope to be your Thinker Bell,
so i can teach u how to fly
and we can play magic together.
i hope to be your Jasmine,
so we can fly on the magic carpet
to wheresoever place we wanted to go.
i hope to be your Maid Marian,
so we can still share our feeling
even we were apart for so long.
without u,
i'm just an ordinary girl.
with faded hopes n false dreams.....
for every second i live.
how i tired to run...
really exhausted.
i should chase for happiness,
which been away very long.
in the middle of 2,
i am in the deep hurt.
turning around of total 360,
looking for a place to rely on.
it's none.
i'm sure.
and i shall stay still,
hoping for the best to come,
cause i don't want to hurt any,
neither to hurt myself.
as my heart is full of scars.
and my soul is still bleeding for yesterdays.
in my brain wistfulness , there it is.......
Friday, January 22, 2010
when good things are bad
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
what a day....
starts with Hydrology Test at 8.
really difficult! +_+
have Meteorology assignment meeting at Entech Lab
*here where i post this post... ngeeeehahahaha!
(ape ayat atas nih cam putar alam jek x_x )
takde ape pom na tulis....
kepala duk pikir biler na dapat bumper bawu.
sakit plak ati nenok bumper yang senget sebelah.
langgar bonggol pom pelan2 jek, tatot gugur bumper ;P
ada 9 bijik bonngol i kena tempuhi b4 sampai campus!
so, ari nih bertolak lebih awal, 7.40 suda kuar dari umah.
k, la.
member sebelah bising, lapow tak habis2.
aku tgk slim jek.
owg yg ta lalu mam ni plak makin temok.
tssk....tsssk... sadis la idup i.... ;(

Monday, January 18, 2010
in the afternoon,
"hmm, actually class i kul 2...."
moral : never giv ur words if u urself is uncertain either u can make it or not.
even, though u are expecting the things should be occured as u wish and
u hope them to be true just bcoz u like them best!
in the late afternoon,
Dr.Edlic said : Time Was is a Time Taken
Yeah! Sangat betol..... (sambil angguk2 kepala)
langgar tembok plak masa mau pulang.
so, the moral is,
dun't change by whatever things around u. - emotion, ppl, pain, etc.
be determined!
"mama, La langgar tembok......"
moral :berkata benar sekalipun tak tau ape natijahnye.
k,dah2 la tuh.
asyik merapu.
esok test hydro.
biasenye owg dapat zilth. huk3!
(buat muka bimbang walaupun dalam hati tak bimbang mane coz
dah tentu2 i pon akan dapat kosong)
dah lah 15%.
i should.....
> be pleased with anything that may come in my path
> be happy for every minute i've spend in my life
> be wise in handling my own-inner-self
> see anything as priceless memory that i shall proudly share with my love ones soon
...... life is about what things were seen as and
how we response to the things we currently in.

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
can u?
what i've expected them to be.
i pray for things that
i don't want them to occur
i think things according to
the better future i wish to be in
i take things as if my
eternity possession
i see things in different ways
sceptically always

as i'm writing now, i try to show the gamut of my life.
it's hard for u to understand
it's harder for me to understates my life

i hope to share
sometimes, i dare to share
most of the time, i don't

so please,
don't be my greatest fear
if i'm not willing to share, dear
i will...
i will share things with u.
i just need time
for time is running fast
but i still can't forget my past
i having a sorrowful path
i still believe in
A Problem Shared, Is A Problem Halved

nice, nice...
tapi sangat sibuk!
kadang2 menyesal juga amik 7 subjek.
lucky me hav Him and him by my side.
so i can rely most to them.
the story went like this.
it was 31.12.09
couple of months before,
i already received a discount card from PADINI.
30% off
so, as my family members were most on the 31st,
we went for shopping spree
thinking of buying heaps on that nite,
we spend for several hours at the particular spot.
customers were in and out there.
some of them hoping for special discounts
as it was the end of the year.
" Only members can have 20% - 30% discount"
ouch, toooo bad for shopaholics!
thinking the best way to make the store 'broke' that nite,

(my heart whispered : maybe they should borrow my card)
the promoter verbally clarified my tiny voice inside
total expenses : approx. rm600
still far from the limit
every1 there share the privilage.
this is part of sharing compatibility inside you.
say hi and bye
won't cost u any right??
be good to any so ones may be good to u. ;P
( i'm not that good but i'm trying. haisssh~)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
28 Dec 09
what a long day i had that day....
my class was full and of course when i say it full,
it means, reallllly full!
8am - 6pm.
luckily, some were cancelled and it ended at 5pm.
i quickly perform my Asar and pick up some of photostatted document at Aiman,
then, straight away headed to NR.
my besties were waiting for my with.....
(guess what?)
CUPPIES on the table at the restaurant!
i was like, "Oh, my! Is this a dream??!"
my heart beating excitedly~

it was my very 1st time having my own party without my notice.
i may say... Small-Superb-Suprise-Party la kot...
i aje yang celeb8 bday kwn2...
coz my bday usually fell on hlidays when i was in school.
but then,
later when i in univ, it fell on weekdays with many lectures as the 'instant present'! ;p
i was just 6 of us.
unluckily, i was fasting on that day (10 muharram lah katekan).haiz....
piqa (who did the baking) allow me to tapow the cuppies.hehh~
the Day.
my class was same as before.
oweyzzz pack. ;(
tapi AMAT happpppy!
pagi2 lagik,
bile sampai di kelas,
sume macam ta moa cakap ngn i.
iskh! pelik nim!
i was like....tak pe lah....huk3~
"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to diyana,
Happy Birthday to you...!"
di tengah2 fakulti sains & teknologi.....
di kawasan terbuka....
di kelilingi makmal yang penuh ngn kakitangan n seniors.....
never into this kinda situation!!

*bersama Bday kad paling beshoooooooooo penah i dapat. ^^,
ni sume kije gilo Hawa...(tak de la gilep sangat tapi i mayuuuu huhuhu...~~)
die siap bagi 1 kad tecit yang personally dari die.
wane biru jugek,huehehehe~
tapi, ini baru permulaan hari indah i....
bile menjelang lunch break....
i saw this PARTICULAR guy!
malu na citer.
memandangkan tade sape pom yang bace my blog nim...
i rela hati la na citer.
janji dulu,jgn cakap i jahat taw!
budak ni la yang belasah mase i in lower form dulu....
diringkaskan citer,
die mmg suke sakat i.
cz im petite compared to otha gurl.
lelaki ms tu mmg lah pendek lagik....
memandangkan die plg pendek (actually still maseh peendek the day i met him ;P sowie!~)
die dr kelas ntah hape name (i ta ingt) bole dtg nak kacau i!
how dare him!
ade la 1 ari tuh,
die baling lipas kat i!
i mmg amt sensitip la ngn serangga nih!
geli dowh!
i pom...naik HANTU la tetibe!
( ni takde kene-mengenangan PMS, swinging moods,menses n etc, okek!)
malangla die coz tetibe terlentang atas lantai...
i siap maki2 lagi die....
(biadap sungguh i nih)
tetibe i dapat tau die tukar skola.
gaduh tu pom berakhir coz my fwen pengawas mintak tlg i jgn gaduh.
die bimbg cikgu mawah...
pengetua kenal ngn my late father...
tamoa la menconteng arang di muka ibu bapa.
(anak2 harus amati perkara ini, yek!!)
i langsung ta penah jumpe die lg sampailah tibe hari ITU!
mula2 nampak... macam kenal.not so sure.
bile i tgk parut kat tangan die, ohhh! Compirm!
ketika itu, saya sedang makan kat warung depan asrama bersama Baya.
kami berdua aje.
i pom dgn pantas bisik kat Baya....
(ni la lebih kuwang dialog kami setelah i taouch-up n edit sket bg lbh menarik)
"Dyna wase...budak ni yang dyna belasah kat skola dulu."
"Huh! Pasti??"
"Dah tu?Macam mane??"
"Buat tak kenal...." ( i pun pulut nasik ayam tuh sedaya upaya bg cepat habis!)
Gilo cuak!
Rock la budak tuh skrg...
i dgr die cakap tepon,ajak kengkawan die makan kat situ sekali!
sangat malang bila ini terjadi....
oh no!
die panggil!
i was shaking.....
die perasan i from the start lagik....
kami cakap2 la macam tak de ape buruk penah belaku dulu....
i selalu berdoa,
nak jumpe sume owg yang i penah buat salah terhadap mereka.
coz i nak mintak maaf...
hidup ni sementara,
baru beberape hari i was 20.
now, in 2010, i am 21.
tak sangka doa i termakbul on my bday.
i amik keputusan,
the table on me.
tanda mintak maaf.
mula2 ingt na btaw,
i belanja cz my bday.
tapi takpe la.
i just walk off n give salam before baya n me out.
what a day....
the last part,
i had dinner with piqa n her two small sisters at nearby kopitiam.
mula2 ingt na mam petang.
tapi my class ended at 6pm.
ta sempat...
so jumpe la kami malam ituh.
sebagai penutup salah 1 dr hari2 yang indah dalam idup i...

ape pom...
saya sayang sangat3 kamoo............ n_n
kepada sume yang wish,
tq sangat3!
scr jujur,
sy susah na ingt bday org,
tp kalo ade ms n baru teringt i trus ajak g mam. bg hadiah pom ta pandai pilih.
tq taw korang!! xoxo~
Semoga kamu sume mendapat balasan yang baik dr Nya!! ;D