Thursday, December 16, 2010
manage me
see... awal2 dah mengeluh. cube bg salam ke, ape ke, kan ke siuman sikit nampak.
Assalamualaikum, tak jawab dose. :)
hari ni, 30% dari ape yang terbuku tibe2 diluahkan secara zahir dengan kata2. ewah... bukan sellau ke luahkan? opss, ni lain, tu lain. konon! ok, baru pulang dari negeri Siti Nurhaliza, saje tak mau sebut negeri Pahang kan. Putar alam kuat budak ni! Dekat je. Tp bak kate buya, dekat pun tak pe, tukar lah angin sikit. Betul juga kate buya tu. At least dari terperuk kat umah, amek la angin sikit kat mane2. Tp malangnye, penderong amek angin tu takde. Klau ade pun paehal ye? Macam dah jadi laki aku lah pulak. Kan ke naya tuh.
Nothing special, sbnrnye, aku pun tak tau mendape yg berjaya menjadikan aku ckp menda tu special. Ok, saya susah memuji. Tp tak pulak senang mengeji. Eceh, tbe2 rase mc tipu pulak. Ntah la, saye pun tak tau saye mcm mane. ok, tak mau lah cakap pasal ni. Sebab tak tau. Haha. Giv up pulak tbe2. Sekarang nak cakap pasal goals yg tak berape nak tercapai dsebabkan ade mende2 gini lah. Saye sbnrnye, kalau dah plan, tibe2 tak jadi, frust lah saye. Walaupun, nmpk mcm best je kan cz tak jd dsebabkan nk makan angin (konon makan angin gastrik aku menahan lapo sebab membatu je dlm hotel ade la!). Tp sy tetap frust.Sekarang dah 16hd, tggl lagi 2 mggu cuti. Oh, Oh! 2 mggu terdahulu blalu bgitu sahaja! Damn!
Saya perlu kuatkan semangat. Mungkin dlm mase terdekat ni akan ke KL. Oh, tergantung lagi niat dhati. Tapi takpe. Akan cube publish sebyk mgkin menda kat sini. Bukan ape, siape tahu, tak dapat jumpe lagi blog ni d mase akn datang. Ajal maut semakin hampir. Moga ape yg saya impikan tercapai lah. Ok,lah. Pics g Kuantan ari tu pun tak transfer pun lagi. Lain kali sy letak k. Bubbye~
Monday, December 6, 2010
binatang peliharaan

Kali teraknhir bela haiwan sebenarnye mase sem1 kat umt. Beli kure2. konon sweet la bela kura2. Tp aku mmg tak tahan busuk die. aduiii.... zssss! sbb anakanda aku pun beriya2 nak haiwan tersebut maka aku condifent je bg die. dr aku bela tanpa ikhlas, baik bagi budak2 yg nak kan. tp aku tgk, semangat die kejap je. lps 2 mggu, hampeh. sampai la ni, kakak ipaq aku yg bela uih, awat kluar loghat utara ni. rindu cik baya agknye. huarrgghh!
So semalam, aku kipas2 la sket mak aku. konon nak sugar glider. haidoi mak! mahainye! aku mmg tak de duit ni. nak beli menatang RM380 whole set ngn menda makan mane tak cekau duet beb??! adui, bela ayam tak logik lak kan,kan? so aku g lah kunun2 cari suspek baru bakal jd mangsa keganasan aku. miahahhah!

Tetibe, jumpe la haiwan ni, muka gengster sikit dr sugar glider. tp kecomelan tetap ade. badan besar skit dr sugar glider, tp takpe, aku tak buyers hal berat badan sbb aku mmg berat. menda makan, aku tak pasti, tp keperluan ruang dr lain2 alatan mcm sugar glider. apehal la asyik compare ngn sugar glider ni! adui, tensi2!
so, aku pun usulkan kemahuan aku tanpa segan silu kat mak aku.
berikut ialah dialog kami,
aku : mak....La nak beli binatang boleh?
mak : huh? binatang ape pulak? tak payah la....
aku : ala, boleh la mak. ni simple je ni. binatang kecik je.
mak : apebenda namenye??
aku : guinea pig.
mak : huh? pork pig? naajis tuh! apenda lah La ni! tak baik tau! merepek sokmo lah! *&%^$@#$!&@^%#*..... (panjang plak die bebel)
aku : die mcm tikus la mak. tp besoo!
mak : cakap la tikus mondok.
aku : ha, lbh kurang kot.
mak : ok.....TAK PAYAH.

aku pun tak tau guinea pig tu ape sampai la aku jumpe iklan kat mudah. dulu buya penah cakap,tp aku tak bt follow up untuk tau ape guinea pig tu. haha. tp siyesh lawa.... lame dah tade haiwan belaan. ari2 buya jd mangsa berlakon jd kucim tp bukan aku suro pon! ahaha....opss. buya, meooowwww2~
mahu cantik juga
sebenarnye, pada saya, cuti tu membuatkan saya boleh lakukan apa saja (bukan la ape2 saja sampai bela khinzir n minum botol 'ijau' pun takpe.) dan tidur dengan aman dan pakai baju cantik2 dan mandi lame2! huarghhhhhhh! see....see...... sekeh je sy jika rase menyampah sebab demand mcm2 budget hidup dlm dunia tak pyh jaga hati org lain. +_+
ok, sekarang fokus, fokus! berbalik kepada tajuk setelah meraban 2 perenggan, saya kadang teringin nak cantik mcm org lain juga. ok, jom gelak ramai2! karang kalau korang gelak, aku tak gelak, dah namenye korang gelakkan aku dan aku segan la bila kene gelak. miahahhahhahahah!

tapi tak lah nak pakai camtuh. tp sukaaaaa nenok muka die. weee~
p/s : buya jgn jeles!
saya nk jugak pakai dress lawa2 ke kan, tapi tak mau pakai legging sebab mcm seluar renang je sy tgk. pastu teringin la nak pakai shawl belit2 wlupun tak reti sgt. nak pakai wedges. then pakai mascara sikit n lip-gloss wlupun sbtg lip-gloss pun takde kat umah ni. wah teringin. tp buruk la rupa saya pakai mcm tu. tp bile pakai bju krung da rupa mcm anak gajah dah. im sooo chubby! adui, teringin nak lawa. teringin sgt. kadang2 bile tgk mereka2 yg stylo pakai cntik2, rase nak nanges je.... ape sensitip neh! damn! tp dlm byk2, sy kagum ngn sorang wanita ni. die preggy, tp masih bgaya. agaknya kalau sy d tmpt die, pasti sy dah kehulu-kehilir dgn baju kurung silap hari bulan berkain batik je tak muat perut. kagum wanita mengandung yg lawa! wanita tak kawen lg melawa tak heran sgt wlupun agk impossible utk sy. huahuahuaaa! jgn marah naaa yg tak kawen lg tuh. kawen n get preggy n see whether u change or not. mybe from stylo to milo or vice-versa. who knows ait?
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Kawan Kawen

bukan niat saya nak kawen dengan kawan sendiri. atau kawan nak kawen ngn saye. atau membuat pilihan utk terus kawan berbanding kawen mahupun kawen baru kawan.tidak, tidak, tidak.
kawan saye, umur die 21. pompuan. classmate mase form 4 n form 5.die kawen hari ni. nikah. ye, ye, nikoh! dengan kawan die mase menengah rendah di sekolah lain. umur 21 juga. 18 hb nanti sanding. haaa....
tu lah pokok cerita yg nak disampaikan.
sbnrnye hal kawen mawen ni sensitip nk dismpaikan. mane taknye, pembaca setia sy (sy tau, mr.mono sowg je yg terjah sokmo blog ni sbb selame 1 bulan lbh kurg sy private, tak de sape pun tny ape2! hampeh!)....berbalik ayat tadi. mane ek? hah! pembaca setia sy ni dah muak mungkin bace hal2 mcm ni. sy ni, ade niat besar nak kawen awl sbnrnye. bukan ape, nk la ade teman yg halal. ke salah sy ckp ni? sy nak kawan setia. takpe la tak mampu bg nfkah zahir pun, sy tu la. haih, bile isu ni timbul, sy jd sensitif. bile tgk semanis kurma, air mata tak henti keluar. tak tau knp. lelaki kalau mmpu kawin ngn pompuan dlm keadaan die tak mampu (bukan dlm keadaan terpaksa yg 'ttteeeettt' tu ye!) mmg sy respect la die n keluarga die! sbb ape? sbb tu lah menda plg susah nk bt. ramai parents ukur kmampuan kwngn anak2. tp mcm penceramah bebas ckp, kdg2 ibu bapa tak boleh bkira sgt. sng mcm ni la, kalau sy ade ank, sy akan bg yg terbaik utk ank sy bukan sy bg yg terbaik utk sy kpd ank sy. see....nmpk tak?
dlm zaman moden ni, corak kehidupan berubah....rasenye, zaman sekarang, soal kawen awl ni tersekat bukan mslh muda mudi, tp masalah ibu bapa kot.haih. ntah la, nk ngomel byk2 pun tak guna. kpd yg ibu bapa bg green light, teruskan je lah k.jgn pikir byk.tauhid itu penting :)
buat rakan2 saya yg telah selamat bernikah, semoga kekal dunia akhirat.tahniah.

lawa kan?
sukaaaaaaaa sgt2 kombinasi warna pelamin die.
ade org ckp, warna baju pengantin mcm tak masuk,
tp saya suka! out standing!
tp rasenye lg lawa kalau warne turquoise.
tnye buya pasal warna turquoise, die men2 jek. :(
sorry cilok tak btau!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
hope this work OUT!
an UNEXPECTEDLY it already in google search.
so, i guess im not weird this time and other person on this planet earth already had the same GOAL with me now. yeeehuuuu!~
so, here the steps are,
hopefully i can loss 15kg before new sem starts.
i wish, i hope, and i pray for it.
but on top of all, i have to STRIVE for this. ngeh!
Day OneAll fruits except bananas. Your first day will consists of all fruits you want. It is suggested you consume lots of watermelon and cantaloupe. |
Day TwoAll vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the new and cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the account or type. Avoid oil and coconut while cooking vegetables. Have large boiled potato for breakfast. |
Day Three Any mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet and no potatoes today. |
Day FourBananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. You can also have one bowl of vegetables soup. |
Day FiveToday is a feast day. You will eat 1 (one) cup of rice. You also have to eat 6 (six) whole tomatoes and drink 12 (twelve) glasses of water today to cleanse your system of the excess uric acid you will be producing. |
Day SixToday is another all vegetables day. You must eat 1 cup of rice today and eat all the vegetables you want cooked and uncooked to your heart's content. |
Day SevenToday your food intake will consist of 1 cup rice, fruit juice and all the vegetables you care to consume. Tomorrow morning you will be five to eight kilograms lighter than 1 week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. Repeat the program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you rest for three days before every repetition. |
You have your system under control now and it will thank you for all the purging and cleansing you just gave it. Even more than a diet program it is good to follow this diet once in a while to clean your digestive system and remove toxic substances that have a accumulated in the system.
General Motors Wonder Soup
The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to drink large quantities of this soup.
im not a fan of liverfool neither im a fan of menU.
during this holiday, i have goals need to be achieved!
or maybe, A MUST. :P
hope this holiday can be the most meaningful holiday.
maybe it doesn't has to be wonderful, enough to be meaningful.
at least, i learn something.
better then nothing, aite?
oh, im too shy to show u my goalssss.
nevermind, simply pray for me.
really hope to feel much better than today.
i need a momentum man! go go, agaga!
Make money or waste money?
ok, now im stressed out. ok fine, the most things i've shared with u here is stressful thing aite? if u dislike, simply click the cross button on right-top of the page, tq and hav a nice day :)
so now, i have a looootts of stocks from my online shop. what should i do with this? im so very tired of thinking this particular thing. it worth almost thousand RM,okkkkeeyyyy. haih, sad2.
my mum kept asking me tidy up my room as if i will get married tomorow. then, she suggest that i should only give away those things to anyone. huh? is it a BRILLIANT idea?hope to be so but unfortunately it ISN'T! anyhow, i really wanted to move them away. i've try giving the best promotion i can at my on9 shop but i think, it is impossible for me to sell them all during this holiday. what should i do? i really need help. :S