lamenye tidak update belog!
k, many things occured and happened.
macam mane yek...
na stat dr mane...
kekok plop wase bile da lame ta update.
k, let me number them first...in sequence....
Deb8weekend baru ni, i masuk Beb8 PNC (Piala Naib Canselor)
it was my first time....
before in BM when i was in sem2.
we managed to get
3rd place even though we are all not DEMIans.
(DEMI = Kelab Debat Mahasiswa dan Intelektual)what i can say, my team mates are all goOOod!
they were doing GREAT!
Sherry and
i love them all!
another team from ENTECH, ehich is Entech B also did well...
even thought they were not entering semi-final...
Suhaili and
u r all so supportive!
i was really dumb founded when i notice i was the 6th in individual ranking just b4 semi final!
how was i supposed to be in the top 10 list with my broken english and grammatical errors were everywhere when im speaking!
k, dizzy2...
...bcause of speaking toOO much for 1.5 whole days,
buuuffff!i felt down on a staircase after the last conference.
till now, still 'kecok' with
permission mr speaker sir.
haha.. ;P
Prize n Medalk, due to my injured leg...
i cannot take my medal and hamper on the stage given by VC.
pity me.
dunno when will i enter deb8 again.
if so, maybe im not 1 of the winner...
i saw sum1 i hate.
ngahahah!i take my camera and snap her picts!
serve her right!
how dare she've been so rude to me.
k, the story goes like this;
i went to HKS several months ago. she entered the car park area...in opposite direction!
then, im the unluckies person on that day,
slowly drive into the parking area to... and we met in the middle of the lane where we are heading to each other direction...
due to the very HUGE UMT sticker above my road tax,
she rudely asked me to reverse my car! i saw her eyes was looking at the sticker while her right hand waving to me as a sign for me to reverse as fast as i can so that in another way i can show 'respect' to her just because she have that BLUE coloured sticker!
didn't she noticed that if she the 1 that do the reverse it would be easier because her distance from the end of the lane is just near as compared to the distance of my car from the beginning of the lane.
how rude she is. Lecturer should behave well inside and OUTSIDE the univ. doesn't mean u r lecturer or specifically u r counselor, u r always right! furthermore,u r counselor,
should behave moooooreeeee professional. if not, just quit! u r not entitle to be a counselor nor to give advice to student! want to her face??
just scroll below. i dunt care. this is my blog.
let u the readers, learn something!
Sorry, wrong person.a year ago, i was appointed to be ENTECH Club Secretary.
there was hard and sweet time during this period i had gone through...
from this,
i learn many things.
i gained heaps of experience.
i cried because of tons of minute had to be sent....
i madly shouting at sum1 i trust because document sent was said not sent yet....
i laugh when i was given a chance to go to special camp...
i talked bad things about sumthing i dunt like... even though i wasnt that way b4.heheh!
there are soooo many things to tell u about, yet i dunt want u 2 waste ur time reading all these nonsense points ;P
most of all....
i knew him bacause of this also...weeeehuuu! (^^,)ok, lets go to my main point...
actually, when we are the secretary of a club,
we are indirectly the mounth of the club.
anything, ppl will contact us.
only during meeting, we are the most less person given a chance to talk cz we are bz writing whta other ppl was saying.
ever-since my phone number had traveled across UMT,
many seniors would text me.
WHY???because they were hunting my friends phone number!till today, i still receiving that kind of msg...
wouldnt it be nice if they were actually hunting me...
of course some of them, seniors and juniors,
asking for help, documents or anything related to my club... ;(
(pretending to be sad but somehow, buya knew me by hunting me and text-ed me! ;D )
so how??
even im now no longer a secretary,
my phone still bz....
ppl keep texting me for various of reasons....
n of course,
my mum will sometimes mumble to me about this.
so, what actually i wanted to say is,
i only have 3 option.
i- let it be.... my line will be more calm by times.
ii- ask them to stop what they are doing. this is because, the nearer the holiday is, the more thay want to hunt for they admire ones bacause they enjoy their holiday by texting or giving phone calls!
iii- open a phone number center where each number requested will be charged RM2.
haha....this is part of univ is all about.
student does not always think about academic rite?
well, when we are still 'young',
seeking for love is a compulsory ;P
Bubblesoh, yeah!
i went to the nearby beach with him and blow out some bubbles!just wanted to try my newly owned bubble-set purchased at Toys'r'us OU.
k, la.
thats all....
what a long post i have today.
enjoy the pics below!
*each is numbered according to story's number.

1 -
dyna, abg wan, aufar, hawa, shery, najwa & izwah
2(a) -
abg ali & hafiz from BM team

2(b) -
3 -
ENTECh dinner, adiwangsa2*mcm tak dop kene-mengenaje nagn tajuk #3 ;P
4 -