Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
deary darl....
she reminds me of my truest feeling that i hardly revealed to anyone....
when it comes to this particular part....
" i ENVY ppl who is successful! hate this feeling more then anything else. i blog-walking just now, and i saw lotsa ppl leads their own happy-success-life-as-there-NO-obstacles-at-all. ok, maybe they only post their happy thought in their blogs..hrum! but i'm still ENVY the way they sucess in life~ AHAHA. (busuknye hati ko, pqa!) ARGH! but hey, nevermnd, it's okey, maybe you can succeed in the path that u take now."
k, dear readers n my fellow piqa....
based on blog-walking habit that i started since in form 5 really taught me heaps!
its true many ppl share their sweet memories in life as if....
they never gone through hard time in life and they simply experience nice, comfortable thing which sometimes money can buy (not all people can afford to have that kind of experience or such)
but then,
i may conclude that in writing upon our beloved 'virtual diary' in public consist of only happy2 thingy is basically because of two main reason - you are thankful with your current life or, you always wanted to only remembering by heart your nice memories in facing your current path.
apart from these main reasons, they can lead you into 2 most commonly different ways in blogging ;
1. be so excited about your own life until there is a sprinkle of proud (berbaur riak) or,
2. be really2 thankful for every thing that ever did come into your way and you deeply appreciate them during the exact moment the post is posted or sooner when you go through what you've been writing all this while (usaha menimbulkan rasa syukur)
in public, can we easily tell things which will later give us bad impact such as,
people will staring at you with a how-suck-her-life-is-and-she-is-suffering-with-the-facts-that-she-is-truly-problematic-girl look? you won't,ain't you?
That is why,
people are more pleased to share their sweet adorable stories even though they sometimes emotionally hurt the reader.
Also, i may say,
when our heart are not strong enough, it is better not to have a blog-walking as it may exist sorrow felling towards the life you are living now.
If you do so, you are actually 'requesting' burden and stress in your life so your tomorrow will be miserable and vulnerable.
in the nut shell,
you don't need to worry piqa (or anyone whom experiencing the same feeling as piqa did/does).
None is living without hard times (tests).
test were meant to be in human life to decrease our difficulties when we are at the hereafter.
believe that for as long as your are breathing,
it is the greatest charisma He had given to us.
p/s : as I'm writing, i actually teaching n reminding myself not to be easily manipulated by what around others life. Others' stories and quests remain others'.they won't change mine and vice versa. So this post is actually more to my experiences and thoughts.... Hoping i can lead my life better by reading this over and over again, for now, later, soon and always....
what more can i say...
i'm an ordinary human which easily drown in my own day dream.
if you have completely read this post,
ignore me at once because i'm currently using my sanity well
and this happen only once in a blue moon!
till then,
what more can i say...
i'm an ordinary human which easily drown in my own day dream.
if you have completely read this post,
ignore me at once because i'm currently using my sanity well
and this happen only once in a blue moon!
till then,
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
here i comes...~
k, sekarang ni kat kampus.
waiting for the next class with my former secondary-school-mate, Wani.
(fyi, ni wani Tganu. dalam clas ade 3 wani - Wani Kedah, Wani Kelantan n Wani Ganu.Sume dilabelkan itot negeri masing2 okek! cz sume mmg tak leh buang loghat asal wlupom da 4 sem duk sni.)waiting for the next class with my former secondary-school-mate, Wani.
i thought of telling the stories of having additional subject actually.
somehow, bile terbace new post from misspqa
i wase mcm na cakap pasal mende lain.
hasrat nak becerita pasal 'berapa kedit hour' thinggy tu, i afterward la,k.
somehow, bile terbace new post from misspqa
i wase mcm na cakap pasal mende lain.
hasrat nak becerita pasal 'berapa kedit hour' thinggy tu, i afterward la,k.
hehe... jgn sedey, i akan tulis punye.....
(padahal, no one especting me to write that cz none reading my blog, ceeeeittt!~)tapi, seblom i pergi dgn lbh lanjut
(bace dgn nada org nak berpidato =P )
these are our current pics...

* buat self timer 10secs... sgt lame! dah tak focus dah...

*k,second try -wani tak kenan ngn pict die...
katanya : Mata terbeliak tersampuk syaitan~
kata i plak : Takpe, asalkan nampak makanan i, nyum2~

* buat self timer 10secs... sgt lame! dah tak focus dah...

*k,second try -wani tak kenan ngn pict die...
katanya : Mata terbeliak tersampuk syaitan~
kata i plak : Takpe, asalkan nampak makanan i, nyum2~
Monday, December 21, 2009
berapa credit hour?
well, when it come to new semester my fwen akan tanye....
"oit ko amik bape kedit sem nih?"
or in the other way...
"eh,dalam e-pelajar ko dah daftar bape subjek??"
or maybe, dis way........
"ha, ape lagi ko na amik sem ni? aku pon nak try join gak!"
k, ta kecah la macam mane pom bentuk soalannye...tapi, mereka memg ske tanye i. hik3~
na tau knp?
i la yang ske amik lebih macam2 subjek pelik!
na tau knp?
i la yang ske amik lebih macam2 subjek pelik!
sebenarnye kegilaan ini bermula bila result i jatuh dr puncak gunung tahan
(takde la puncak sgt pom... kire2 setengah meter lagi nak sampai last check point =P)
n trus meluru ke sungai lembing.
Woooops~ jaoh amat itu!
tapi dah namenye remaja
(takde la puncak sgt pom... kire2 setengah meter lagi nak sampai last check point =P)
n trus meluru ke sungai lembing.
Woooops~ jaoh amat itu!
tapi dah namenye remaja
(remaja lg ka?lagi seminggu da 20.... bday sendiri. i want a XXXX,pleashhhhh~~> )
.....k,k sambung ayat di atas itu td....
.....k,k sambung ayat di atas itu td....
i tak dapat nak escape dr lagha n lalai dgn mcm perkara dunia.
so, my fwen hawa
so, my fwen hawa
(ala,lupe plak nak btau die i dah stat ber-belog n ber-bolok )
yang menasihati i supaya amik subjek lebih n blaaa, bla..., blaaaa.....
i pom agree.
(padahal dah memeng petern i ske amik lbh nim. macam mase SPM. over la tu~~)
i bukan amik 1 sbjek lebih, tapi dua!!!!
haha, langsung menjadikan kedit hour i sem lepas 22, haisshhh~
i pom agree.
(padahal dah memeng petern i ske amik lbh nim. macam mase SPM. over la tu~~)
i bukan amik 1 sbjek lebih, tapi dua!!!!
haha, langsung menjadikan kedit hour i sem lepas 22, haisshhh~
(hawa pom amek 1 jek,aku plak lebey2 mlawan tawkey a.k.a PP aku< pp=" penasihat"> )
bile tgk result, memang btol cakap hawa.... mmg amat mmbantu.
Tq hawa sayanmmm~
bile tgk result, memang btol cakap hawa.... mmg amat mmbantu.
Tq hawa sayanmmm~
(try la korang, siyeshly! mase muda na blajor manyak2, pasni nak kawen dah....)
ape jadi sem ni?
ia buat i ketawa tanpa henti for d whole day okek!
tapi na taip macam panjang jerk.
bagi mperbanyakkan lagi post i kat blog nim,
i buat special post lain kali lah yer...
(bukan ade owang bace pom blog aku nih! cakap sensowang je lebey)
need to answer water source hydrology tutorial

*ni pict mase jadi kaka faci kat UMT....
ape jadi sem ni?
ia buat i ketawa tanpa henti for d whole day okek!
tapi na taip macam panjang jerk.
bagi mperbanyakkan lagi post i kat blog nim,
i buat special post lain kali lah yer...
(bukan ade owang bace pom blog aku nih! cakap sensowang je lebey)
need to answer water source hydrology tutorial

*ni pict mase jadi kaka faci kat UMT....
Sunday, December 6, 2009
bile cuti sekolah bermula....
i ni student univ.
tp sangat sukeeeeee bile school hols!
bukan sebab my 'ehem2' budak maktab....
atau my mum chekgu sekola....
tapi sebab all my besties student maktab!~
how dare they left me at KMK after approx a month together there!
tapi takpe,
kalo da persahabatan tu tulus dari <3,
nothing can make any difference....
i may say....
it is oweys true that absences make the hearts grow fonder, ahah!~
gonna hav gurls-day-out part III for this yr soon
tp sangat sukeeeeee bile school hols!
bukan sebab my 'ehem2' budak maktab....
atau my mum chekgu sekola....
tapi sebab all my besties student maktab!~
how dare they left me at KMK after approx a month together there!
tapi takpe,
kalo da persahabatan tu tulus dari <3,
nothing can make any difference....
i may say....
it is oweys true that absences make the hearts grow fonder, ahah!~
gonna hav gurls-day-out part III for this yr soon
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
need a baby gurl....

bile da asyik on9 shopping,
tetibe jumpe la ngn butik baju kanak2....
pulak dah..~~
ni yang buat i rase tak senang duduk nim....
i have 5 little 'heroes' in mylife....
none is gurl....
except me =P
tapi, baju2 yang i tgk ini sgt cumell....
ni antara picts yang i grab.
sowie la... +_+
sangat2 berkenan...
kalo la i ade my own baby gurl...... wawawa!~

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
today is my 15th day of hols....
what a tiring days i had.....
i'm totally not in the mood actually
maybe becoz of ....... (well,my closest fwens should understand wht i mean)
don't want to blame any1
i should satisfy for what i have, right?
hurm....got nothing to do unless on9 shopping - they are all money can buy items
and i think i've addicted to this activity
oh no....its not a suitable time to waste money, dyna....
*p/s for myself : u perfectly knew y dyna*
what a tiring days i had.....
i'm totally not in the mood actually
maybe becoz of ....... (well,my closest fwens should understand wht i mean)
don't want to blame any1
i should satisfy for what i have, right?
hurm....got nothing to do unless on9 shopping - they are all money can buy items
and i think i've addicted to this activity
oh no....its not a suitable time to waste money, dyna....
*p/s for myself : u perfectly knew y dyna*
Saturday, November 21, 2009
kau pergi....
ari ni jerp, saye da bace manyak3 sangaaaattt blog...
pandang mane2 pom nampak tulisan jek. dah kabur mata ni.
bile mengenangkan hidup sendiri,
banyak kenangan manis yang saye lupe nak rakam.
ke mane2 pun kami bercuti, kami susah nak ambil gambar....
jadi bila salah seorang dari kami ...t..i..a..d..a...
....kenangan saye dan dirinya pun semakin kabur.
jauh kami pernah pergi....
dari percutian mewah...ke rumah tumpangan....
sume pernah.
macam2 kami terokai....
warung yang teh tarik RM0.80 hingga.... RM14.++
sume kami pernah rase....
sedih bile kami kini bukan lagi KAMI,
tapi tinggal saye dan dia....
hanya mengharap kasih Dia yang Maha Esa.....
ari ni jerp, saye da bace manyak3 sangaaaattt blog...
pandang mane2 pom nampak tulisan jek. dah kabur mata ni.
bile mengenangkan hidup sendiri,
banyak kenangan manis yang saye lupe nak rakam.
ke mane2 pun kami bercuti, kami susah nak ambil gambar....
jadi bila salah seorang dari kami ...t..i..a..d..a...
....kenangan saye dan dirinya pun semakin kabur.
jauh kami pernah pergi....
dari percutian mewah...ke rumah tumpangan....
sume pernah.
macam2 kami terokai....
warung yang teh tarik RM0.80 hingga.... RM14.++
sume kami pernah rase....
sedih bile kami kini bukan lagi KAMI,
tapi tinggal saye dan dia....
hanya mengharap kasih Dia yang Maha Esa.....
Monday, November 16, 2009
duet yang melayang...~
tadi, saya jalan2 kat giant....
nak cari pewangi kereta actually. tapi, sedang asyik amik yang tu,tgk yang ni, hidu yang sana, test yang sini......"Prangggggggggggggggggggggg!!~"
i've dropped one of them
huwaaaaaaaaa ;[
ta sengajew....
pecah plops
then, melayang uwang ku RM5.99
walaupun hanye lbh kuwang RM6...
tapi di saat2 ketandusan sumber ini...ia umpama RM600
takdek rezeki
what more can i say
....tewime aje le....
nak cari pewangi kereta actually. tapi, sedang asyik amik yang tu,tgk yang ni, hidu yang sana, test yang sini......"Prangggggggggggggggggggggg!!~"
i've dropped one of them
huwaaaaaaaaa ;[
ta sengajew....
pecah plops
then, melayang uwang ku RM5.99
walaupun hanye lbh kuwang RM6...
tapi di saat2 ketandusan sumber ini...ia umpama RM600
takdek rezeki
what more can i say
....tewime aje le....
Sunday, November 15, 2009
bile suda ade blog, rase macam tak tau nk tulis ape.....
dolu2, mase tade blog, mcm2 mau tulis (angan2 jep)
siap berangan nak tulis resipe! * saye ke tuh??! Mayunyewww!~ *
tapi sekarang, nak tulis pun takot2.
haih~~ *sight*
harap2, ade kekuatan na tulis macam2 nanti...
....feel rily 'think-thong' rite now.
dolu2, mase tade blog, mcm2 mau tulis (angan2 jep)
siap berangan nak tulis resipe! * saye ke tuh??! Mayunyewww!~ *
tapi sekarang, nak tulis pun takot2.
haih~~ *sight*
harap2, ade kekuatan na tulis macam2 nanti...
....feel rily 'think-thong' rite now.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
ooo my gosssh~
well...i've been thinking of having my own blog after been reading so many blogs for quite a long time...
then, at the moment when i was about to create a blog of mine, uncle google suddenly told me that a blog have been existed using the same e-mail of mine....
and omg!
it is mine!
the blog is mine!
created on 09/10/07
agagagaggaagaggagag!!!!! *bangin' my head on the floor*
k,till then...
i'm still suprise with this shockinggg fact -> about having a blog long before the moment i thought i should have one
unluckily,the time when i felt slightly too old to have a blog was 2 years back, n now....i feel im toooooo old to have a blog yet to publish posts about my personal life.
k,see ya for the next up8,daa~~
well...i've been thinking of having my own blog after been reading so many blogs for quite a long time...
then, at the moment when i was about to create a blog of mine, uncle google suddenly told me that a blog have been existed using the same e-mail of mine....
and omg!
it is mine!
the blog is mine!
created on 09/10/07
agagagaggaagaggagag!!!!! *bangin' my head on the floor*
k,till then...
i'm still suprise with this shockinggg fact -> about having a blog long before the moment i thought i should have one
unluckily,the time when i felt slightly too old to have a blog was 2 years back, n now....i feel im toooooo old to have a blog yet to publish posts about my personal life.
k,see ya for the next up8,daa~~
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